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Hi, I'm Megan!


I rode my first pony, Gem, at Tauranga Riding for the Disabled when I was nine and promptly fell in love with all things equestrian. My mum has been involved with the Tauranga RDA since it opened. Thanks to her love of horses and helping, I have grown up living my passion.

From Pony Club to working at a nationally acclaimed stud farm, and now working at a racing stable I have learnt a lot, and taught a lot in my turn.


Over the years of owning and riding horses I've had the opportunity to learn about a vast range of equine medical issues, first hand.

From green horses to problem horses to schoolmasters I could almost write a book with the knowledge I've been forced to learn in the course of equine journey.


I've decided it's time to pass on my knowledge, even though I will never stop learning.


From basic horse care and lessons to clipping and schooling horses, talk to me about how I can help you and your horse.


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